
MESSIKA CARE(s): Messika Has Mobilized for the Women and Children of Lebanon

Through the launch of a new MESSIKA CARE(S) collection, the French jewelry house is committed to helping the poorest in Lebanon a country ravaged by multiple crises. For each piece of jewelry purchased, 100 euros are donated via the Valérie Messika Foundation to the CARE NGO.
Courtesy of Messika Paris | Photo Julien Vallon


"Lebanon has suffered shocks in recent years, ranging from the impact of the Syrian crisis to the financial and economic crisis, the explosion of the port of Beirut, Covid, etc. Nearly 78%% of the Lebanese population lives below the poverty line.

Inflation reached 229% between February 2021 and February 2022. Eleven years after the start of the Syrian crisis, the Lebanese government estimates that it hosts more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees, making it the country with the highest number of refugees per capita in the world. Among these communities, women and children are the most affected. It is therefore urgent to raise awareness and help!” Valérie Messika

Courtesy of Messika Paris | Photo Julien Vallon

Protective energy: the Valérie Messika Foundation

Through her foundation created in 2021 and the launch of a solidarity collection, Valérie Messika has decided to help Lebanese and refugees young girls and women, on her own scale, by providing them with basic hygiene kits every month. The place of women in society, their independence has always been at the heart of her thoughts, the driving force of her creativity.

“As an entrepreneur, as a mother myself, I know how this place is never completely acquired. Determinisms are still strong and unfortunately there are many misconceptions. By launching this foundation a year ago, I wanted to commit myself further and act more concretely. By helping the most deprived women in the field, by placing the education of young girls as a key factor of emancipation, we are helping to build a fairer society.” Valérie Messika

Courtesy of Messika Paris | Photo Julien Vallon


For this action to be as successful as possible, Valérie has chosen her iconic motif, the Move and its diamond in motion, in a smaller size to be able to be worn by an even wider audience.

Result: 2 gold and diamond chain bracelets and a gold and diamond cord necklace, which is particularly popular with the younger generation. Another particularity, the bracelets are available in two wrist sizes to be able to be worn by both mothers and their children! The perfect gift to share, a symbol of attachment and family ties. For each piece of jewelry purchased, 100 euros is donated via the Valérie Messika Foundation to the CARE NGO.

“Let’s help these women and young girls already in great distress so that hygienic precariousness is not an aggravating factor in their situation!” Valérie Messika.

Courtesy of Messika Paris | Photo Julien Vallon


