The Fall/Winter collection exudes sophistication and is handmade with the highest quality leather and craftsmanship from Florence, Italy. Elevate your look with AIGNER’s go-to-fall bags, from the iconic CYBILL bag in “Cayenne orange”, to the trendy ALONA bag in “Brown”, and elegant DIADORA bag in “Taupe”.
Bold and sophisticated the CYBILL Bag Stretch in “Cayenne Orange” adds richness to every outfit. The distinctive trapeze shape has been modernized and is now available in an elongated horizontal shape. The Cybill bag is a striking statement piece to include in your autumn wardrobe.
Trendy and contemporary, the ALONA Bag in “Black” is perfect to wear on the go. Sophisticatedly crafted, the bag has a chain shoulder strap which highlights the gold accents and a short leather handle. The ALONA bag is the staple black bag to carry throughout the cooler seasons.
Elegance at its finest, the DIADORA bag in “Taupe”, takes you effortlessly through day and night. Designed gracefully, the leather is stitched with the AIGNER logo and features a shining gold chain shoulder strap and short handle. The DIADORA bag is also available in black and green.